Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Little Bird Lost

This morning, I heard several thumps in our family room. It sounded like birds running into our slider door, one after another. Then, I saw bird feathers stuck on the slider window.  Sure enough, I was right.  It all settled down and got quiet.  Then I wondered if any of them got hurt. I went back to the window and looked around on the ground and saw this little guy knocked silly lying on his side with his head cocked funny. 

So I carefully picked him up and got him all cozy in a warm towel and kind of left him alone for a bit. Then, I came back and he seemed to be a bit better, but I wasn't sure.  He then hopped up on my index finger. I tried to give him some water but he flew off. I hope this is good news. I tried to get him back on my finger but he kept flying around. I turned to do something and he disappeared somewhere in the house. I’m concerned if he still might be injured and flew because he was scared. Anyway I’m blown away that he disappeared. Where could a tiny bird go in our house?? 

1 comment:

Christian & Holly Sawyer said...

A little update! We found the little guy in our daughter's bedroom and set him free. He's feeling much better!